Until government employee “public servants” start receiving benefits akin to Costco, Walmart, Shoprite workers, property taxes will likely increase. This entitled class blackmails taxpayers who are left out of the overall financial picture.
FACTS are that 40% to 60% of homes in the U.S. are over-assessed. Why? Because these were low-cost, on the cheap, community “get the job done fast” appraisals.
See if you have a property tax appeal case that’s winnable for your own home. How? Go to the link below and subscribe to get FREE materials that will help you discover if you have a case worth pursuing. If so, we can supply you with the necessary education to develop an accurate real estate appraisal the prove the valuation of the home.
Click: http://housetaxax.com and then click on the video in the upper right corner for free mind map information, free appraisal category assessment worksheet and access to free sold listing for homes similar to yours within your neighborhood.